This article is about how to hide home page/featured/front page article in Joomla 2.5
I have been using Joomla 1.5 since a long now and in it a 'front page' article that shows on home page has a simple configuration of hiding article by going into article and then selecting Parameters(Advanced) from the right side menu and hiding title, author, publish date etc however things are different in Joomla 2.5
If you make a article featured (renamed from 'front page') you will see that it will link to the article and removing title option from advanced parameters will only hide it in the article page and not home page. For this Joomla 2.5 has new configuration, for that if you go to 'Menus' from the admin panel you will see a new tab named 'Menu Items' going into that and clicking 'Home' (or whatever you have named the home link) you will see 'Article Options' to the right having similar options like 'Parameters (Advanced)' in Content->Articles, changing it here will remove the title from home page.