Tuesday, July 3, 2012

[Solution] You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page Joomla 2.5 Error

If you are having the error "You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page" on clicking on 'cancel' button in joomla admin inside a component then try the following:

Try selecting a row with a check box and then click edit, once the page loads click cancels, if this doesn't give the error and adding a look to title to edit, something like 


and clicking on this and then pressing cancel gives you the error then the following is the quick and easy solution, replace the layout edit with task=subcontrollername.edit and leave rest the same, e.g.

or this also works

Note: You will be in a view with plural like views/students/tmpl/default.php but you have to use the subcontroller name of the single one i.e. student.